“Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything better” - Albert Einstein

The Quantum Connection

At the smallest scale, your cells operate in the realm of quantum mechanics, where the familiar rules of classical physics break down completely – particles can exist in multiple places at once, move through solid barriers, and influence each other instantly across vast distances.

These seemingly impossible phenomena allow your mitochondria to achieve extraordinary levels of efficiency, fundamentally transforming our understanding of how cells generate energy and maintain life.…

Beyond ATP: A Quantum Perspective on Cellular Energy

Conventional biology teaches that mitochondria act as cellular power plants, producing ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through cellular respiration. This ATP is considered the "universal energy currency" that powers biological processes, from muscle contractions to nerve signaling.

However, in the 1960s, Gilbert Ling revealed a startling gap in this understanding. His research found that ATP could only account for 20% of the energy required for the sodium-potassium ATPase, a single cellular process out of thousands. This discovery highlighted a missing piece in the puzzle of cellular energy.

Ling’s Association Induction Hypothesis offered a revolutionary perspective: cells function more like light-powered batteries than chemical engines. Central to his theory was the concept of "living energy"—a dynamic, self-sustaining force that arises from the interaction of light, water, and cellular structures. This perspective challenges the traditional view of energy as purely chemical and instead highlights the interplay of physics and biology at the quantum level.

Ling’s research demonstrated that:

  • Intracellular water becomes structured under the influence of light, particularly red and infrared wavelengths.

  • Hydrogen bonds realign, creating an ordered, crystalline-like matrix along negatively charged surfaces, and freeing electrons.

  • This structured water forms a cellular battery by generating a charge separation, storing and releasing energy to power biological functions.

  • These processes depend on quantum-level interactions occurring near negatively charged membranes.

  • Certain forms of energy, such as microwave or radio wave radiation, can disrupt the structure, impairing cellular energy production.

This "living energy" isn’t a separate force but a result of these interactions, enabling cells to stay organized in ways that wouldn’t be possible under classical physics alone.

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
-Werner Heisenberg
(Father of quantum physics)

What is Quantum Biology?

For much of the 20th century, it was assumed that quantum mechanics could only operate in extremely cold or isolated environments, where the chaotic energy of heat wouldn't disrupt delicate quantum states. Erwin Schrödinger’s groundbreaking book What is Life? speculated that quantum principles might explain the order and function of living systems, but this idea was largely dismissed as implausible. However, later discoveries revealed that biological systems use specialized structures to protect and sustain quantum states. For instance, Herbert Fröhlich’s Hypothesis of Coherent Vibrations proposed that biological molecules could generate long-lasting, synchronized vibrations that help maintain quantum coherence, even amidst the disruptive thermal vibrations of a warm environment.

Today, research shows that quantum effects like tunneling, coherence, and entanglement play crucial roles in biology, revealing that life may indeed harness quantum mechanics to thrive in the messy complexity of living cells. These quantum phenomena aren't just abstract concepts; they have tangible implications for human health, influencing processes that are essential for life. Consider the following examples:

  • Through electron tunneling, particles pass through barriers that should be impenetrable – like a ghost walking through a wall. This happens constantly in your mitochondrial electron transport chain, where electrons take "impossible" paths between protein complexes, enabling energy generation with remarkable efficiency.

  • Through quantum coherence and superposition, melanin molecules can exist in multiple energy states simultaneously while sharing energy in perfect synchrony. This allows light energy to perform a "quantum walk," finding the most efficient path through the melanin network like an explorer checking all possible routes at once. Remarkably, melanin maintains this delicate quantum dance at body temperature, enabling it to capture and distribute light energy with extraordinary precision.

  • Through entanglement, particles remain mysteriously connected and influence each other instantly across distances – what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance." We see this in action through the radical pair mechanism, where light creates pairs of entangled electrons that can sense extremely weak magnetic fields with extraordinary sensitivity, helping regulate your body's natural rhythms and cellular processes.

  • Magnetic fields play a vital role in energizing valence electrons—electrons in the outermost shell of an atom that are involved in chemical bonding and energy transfer. By influencing these electrons, magnetic fields impact cellular signaling and metabolic processes. This interaction enhances quantum coherence within biological systems, supporting optimal energy transfer and contributing to improved physiological health.

  • Valence electrons also play a key role in determining the frequency of light emitted by biological semiconductors—materials that can conduct electricity under certain conditions, and in biological systems—including bone and collagen. The band gap—the energy difference between the valence band (where electrons are bound to atoms) and the conduction band (where electrons are free to move)—determines the frequency of light that can be emitted. When valence electrons are energized and cross this band gap, they release photons with specific wavelengths which we call biophotons.

  • At the quantum cellular level, the biophotons emitted by our cells act like precisely tuned lasers rather than floodlights. While these light emissions are extremely weak in absolute terms, their coherent nature and perfect positioning within cellular structures make them remarkably powerful at the quantum scale, even exceeding the intensity of sunlight in their microscopic domain. These biophotons play a critical role in cellular communication, orchestrating processes like growth, repair, and energy regulation with extraordinary precision. This inner light, though invisible to our eyes, helps conduct the symphony of cellular activity that keeps us alive.

This isn't science fiction – these quantum effects occur at life-sustaining temperatures inside your cells. Nature has optimized these seemingly impossible processes for cellular communication over billions of years. Light and electromagnetic fields influence these quantum mechanisms, which helps explain why natural energy inputs can have such profound effects on health and vitality, and why unnatural energy inputs can cause so much harm.


  1. Electron Tunneling in Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain
    A study detailing how quantum electron tunneling facilitates efficient energy generation within the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
    Tomoyuki Hayashi and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Quantum Electron Tunneling in Respiratory Complex I." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011.

  2. Quantum Coherence in Photosynthesis
    Research showing how quantum coherence enhances energy transfer efficiency in photosynthesis.
    Alexandra Olaya-Castro et al. "Ultrafast Quantum Dynamics in Photosynthesis." In Quantum Aspects of Life, Imperial College Press, 2008.

  3. Quantum Entanglement in Biological Processes
    An exploration of quantum entanglement in biological mechanisms, including magnetoreception via the radical pair mechanism.
    Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden. "Quantum Coherence and the Search for the First Replicator." In Quantum Aspects of Life, Imperial College Press, 2008.

  4. Influence of Magnetic Fields on Biological Systems
    Analysis of how magnetic fields impact biological systems, particularly through effects on electron and proton dynamics.
    C. T. Rodgers and P. J. Hore. "Chemical Magnetoreception in Birds: The Radical Pair Mechanism." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009.

  5. Biophoton Emission in Cellular Communication
    Research on the role of biophotons emitted by cells in facilitating cellular communication.
    Fritz-Albert Popp et al. "Biophoton Emission: Experimental Background and Theoretical Approaches." Modern Physics Letters B, 1992.

  6. Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Cellular Structures
    A study on how electromagnetic fields influence calcium channels and disrupt cellular energy production.
    Martin L. Pall. "Electromagnetic Fields Act Similarly in Plants as in Animals: Probable Activation of Calcium Channels via Their Voltage Sensor." Current Chemical Biology, 2016.

  7. Structured Water in Biological Systems
    Findings on how intracellular water becomes structured, forming an ordered matrix under the influence of light.
    Gerald H. Pollack. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. Ebner and Sons Publishers, 2013.

  8. Association Induction Hypothesis by Gilbert Ling
    Gilbert Ling's hypothesis that cells operate as light-powered batteries rather than solely chemical engines.
    Gilbert N. Ling. A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell. Krieger Publishing Company, 1992.

  9. Herbert Fröhlich’s Hypothesis of Coherent Vibrations
    A proposal that biological molecules generate synchronized vibrations to maintain quantum coherence.
    Herbert Fröhlich. "Long-Range Coherence and Energy Storage in Biological Systems." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1968.

  10. Erwin Schrödinger’s Speculation on Quantum Principles in Biology
    Erwin Schrödinger's foundational ideas on how quantum mechanics could explain the order and function of living systems.
    Erwin Schrödinger. What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell. Cambridge University Press, 1944.